Five ways Scoop drives impact for Facilities teams

As a facilities leader, commuters in your organization will look to you for guidance and support at every step of their return to the workplace. You’ll be the one directly supporting their return, ongoing commute, and overall safety but also playing a pivotal role in ensuring your organization’s business continuity. After all, creating a safe workplace every day starts with a safe commute.

Facilities teams can help ensure this business continuity, promote safety, and mitigate risk by making smart investments in flexible commute solutions. Here’s why solving for the commute’s new complexities with Scoop will help you achieve your goals:

1. Reduce capital expenditures including real estate and parking

As commuters look to replace unsafe modes of transit, many will consider driving alone. However, transportation experts agree that an influx in single-occupancy vehicles would not only lead to doubled commute times, but would also “asphyxiate our cities with congestion and pollution” and create high parking demand at worksites. Instead, Scoop carpools safely connect two employees in every vehicle that arrives at your worksite, which means your business will maximize use of existing real estate and keep costs low.

2. Provide transit modes that support every employee’s safety needs

Safety for your worksites begins the moment employees step outside their door and start their commute. Safety is so important to employees that in a recent Scoop commuter survey, over 85% of respondents ranked it as their top concern about commuting. Any exposure risks your employees face during their commute will extend into your workplace, which can disrupt business continuity. Unlike other transit investments, Scoop helps ensure every commute is safe by enforcing leading health and safety protocols, which provides door-to-door standards your organization can depend on.  

3. Comply with city mandates

As Americans go back to work, municipalities will continue to keep close tabs on employers to balance the traffic that companies create in the area through measures like the Commute Trip Reduction Law in Washington or the Vehicle Trip Reduction initiative in California. When you encourage employees to commute with Scoop as a solution for your business, you’ll remove unnecessary cars from the roads, reduce traffic, and eliminate the risk of capacity-related fines.

4. Lower cleaning and maintenance overhead for parking facilities

Not only does the average parking space in the U.S. cost a steep $400 annually to maintain, but in the wake of COVID-19, businesses will face additional costs to clean parking structures thoroughly and regularly. Parking safety experts suggest wipedowns in garages may be required every hour to protect employees. For many organizations, these expenses will add up quickly, but carpooling streamlines infrastructure by making use of resources already available, and mitigates the risk associated with additional vehicles in your parking lots.

5. Support your corporate sustainability initiatives

Go beyond on-site programs and consider the impact employee commute mode choice can play in helping you achieve broader sustainability goals. With Scoop, you get access to real-time metrics to see how effective your carpooling program is so you can make necessary investments to help track key metrics, like CO2 reduction calculations or how many cars you’re taking off the road every day.

The bottom line: This is a pivotal moment for facilities leaders. Your decision making and implementation of updated safety protocols will have a significant impact on your entire organization for a long time.

To learn how Scoop’s complete commute solution can ensure all your people have access to a safe, reliable, and convenient commute, reach out to us at

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